He felt the strenght in her well-muscled arms, he fumbled with her heavy breasts, he cupped her hard behind in his hands and drew her toward him so that they kissed again. Then he led her to the sofa in the living room, where, blushing furiously as he watched her, she undid her jeans and was with a man for the first time since college. He was with a lesbian for the first time in his life. [pag. 55]
"My life has been very precarious over the past few years. I don't feel the strenght that it would take having my hopes dashed. I've had my share of marital misery, and before that my share of breakups with women. It's always painful, it's always harsh, and I don't want to court it at this stage of life." [pág. 62]
Arquivo do blogue
- E quem não salta...
- O meu bloomsday
- Abutres e bandoleiros
- Johnson & Johnson
- The sky is ours
- Eyes wide shut
- Sempre a abrir
- Podia morrer pela boca todos os dias
- Cream fraîche
- Marlenes
- Falta dizer que vi 'Ne Change Rien' na manhã de do...
- Prognósticos ('The Humbling')
- Sinal vermelho
- Marcada para sofrer
- Profissão de humildade
- A semente do psicadelismo chegou pujante a este sé...
- Cabeçada
- A parte de tigre II
- A parte de tigre
- Repassar a lenda
- Afinal era o Carvalhal
- Imagens que regressam (auto-citação)
- Debaixo do vulcão
- Agora ou never
- Robert Enke (1977-2009)
- Esta dupla é dose
- Ronald Stuart Thomas (1913-2000)
- Miss Lava não engana
- O bolero é o destino do corno
- The odd couple
- De cães e de homens (e de prémios)
- A festa da música por Muhly & amigos
- Livraram-se
- Os insuspeitos do costume
- Whale watching tour
- Uma comovente despedida
- Capuchinho vermelho
- For a nice Chet
- Não vamos ver este filme (o que perdemos?)
- Santos populares
- Ifigénia
- Lia e as outras mulheres