Toda a música (a arte em geral) tem a capacidade de expor as limitações dos que se propõem dela falar. Alguns discos têm maior capacidade que outros, daí ter ficado impressionado com o texto do senhor Duncan Edwards, que fala de Carbeth como eu sequer em sonhos saberia fazer.
My first thought upon hearing Carbeth was to wonder what the members of the Incredible String Band or Fairport Convention might have thought of this recording; with its moments of intense restraint and overblown beauty, slight nods to US country music, soaring voices, echoes of eerie plainsong, and vibrant, ecstatic choruses. I didn't have to wait long for something of a reliable answer, as no less an authority than Joe Boyd (producer of both those earlier groups) is very much in favor of Trembling Bells. And no wonder. Their overall sound sways close to that of an unfussy but expertly mic'd gig; the kind that Boyd consistently arranged. (vale a pena continuar a ler).
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