(dir-esq) Richard West, Michael Heat, Martin Tomkinson e Jeffrey Bernard, na festa de um dos casamentos de Bernard.
Jill was also unhappy sexually. 'You couldn't cuddle Jeff because he'd want to fuck you. I think he probably suffers from satyriasis. I don't really want to be screwed three times a day every bloody day and I don't want to be able not to cuddle someone without him getting a bloody hard-on.' Foolishly, considering the volatility of their relationship, they had a permissive Sixties open marriage where they each felt free to have affairs. Bernard, true to form, had an affair with his great friend Allan Hall's wife, Connie. Eventually the Halls divorced. Bernard's infidelities were so blatant that Jill once played a practical joke on him by borrowing a black, curly wig from her antique dealer friend Beverley, changing her usual style of make-up by using plenty of black eyebrow pencil, and walking into the saloon bar of the Peacock, where Bernard was drinking. 'I did a bit of fluttering at Jeffrey, who was staring at me,' she recalled, 'and he started to chat me up and I just fell about laughing. I couldn't keep a straight face. He was quite pissed off with me.'
Just the One - The Wives and Times of Jeffrey Bernard, pág. 151.