«There are quite a lot of good sources for misogyny, I’m sorry to say! They tend to focus on woman’s foolish and deceptive nature, and her lust and weakness that leads her to be evil. So a small tour would be to go from the patriarch Chrysostomus and his claim that “Womankind is rash and fool-hardy; and their covetousness is like the gulf of hell, that is insatiable,” to Schopenhauer who in his essay Of Women claimed that women “are defective in the powers of reasoning and deliberation” and that as the “weaker sex” they are “dependent, not upon strength, but upon craft; and hence their instinctive capacity for cunning, and their ineradicable tendency to say what is not true” While Malleus Maleficarum explains that “woman is more bitter than death … because bodily death is an open and terrible enemy, but woman is a wheedling and secret enemy.” And finally James Kenneth Stephen, who some suspected to be Jack the Ripper, composed this elegant little piece of poetry:
If all the harm that women have done
Were put in a bundle and rolled into one,
Earth would not hold it,
The sky could not enfold it,
It could not be lighted nor warmed by the sun;
Such masses of evil
Would puzzle the devil
And keep him in fuel while Time’s wheels run.»
Da entrevista com Heidi Laura, jornalista dinamarquesa que fez a pesquisa sobre o tema da misoginia para Anticristo de Lars von Trier (que achei um calculista e pesadão déjà vu).