Kiss kiss bang bang
«Lee, looking decidedly like The Caine Mutiny's Captain Queeg, was peering at her, his bushy grey eyebrows rising up and down. He closed one eye in a conspiratorial wink, cupped his hand to the side of his mouth, and asked her in a well-heard stage whisper, 'Did anyone ever kiss your cunt?' Lee wanted, I'm sure, to shock by using that word, though he was somehow able to use it in a way that wasn't quite as bad as if someone else had. No one could get away with it like he could. This lovely woman was silent for a moment, then drew herself up and in her very proper manner replied quite haughtily, 'As a matter of fact they have.'»
Lee, A Romance, de Pamela Marvin.
Arquivo do blogue
- Temos homens
- Inner circle
- Kiss kiss bang bang
- Just friends
- A idade maior
- Discutir em vão
- Vinicius
- Filho único
- Lad scapes
- O som da sauna
- Tons sobre tons
- Bola branca
- W.
- O canto da crisálida
- Bardo Pond
- Nunca digas nunca
- O mesmo olhar
- Tudo muito triste
- Parabéns Paulo Bento
- "The Long Holiday" (doclisboa 2008)
- À suivre
- There's no video here
- Metereologia
- Ildo
- Leiam e comovam-se
- "Dong" (doclisboa 2008)
- "Aka Ana" (doclisboa 2008)
- "Z32" (doclisboa 2008)
- Bom trabalho, mau trabalho
- E depois do luto
- Contar até três
- A valsa dá três voltas
- 256 mm
- É da natureza humana
- Kristoffer son
- T. bottle
- Mr. T
- Verde sobre verde
- Digipacked
- Monotematismo
- Guloseimas
- Recatalogado
- Joggers sur la plage
- Relatório de contas
- Génes
- Camaleões
- Quixote in the bush of ghosts
- Cinemas paraíso
- Watertown 1970
- 203 mm seguido de 204 mm
- A Lisboa que desaparece
- Stroszek
- 95 mm
- Mestiços
- Toma coice