
Brian Eno no ano do seu sexagésimo aniversário

Brian Eno fará 60 anos de idade no próximo mês de Maio, data da edição da biografia On Some Faraway Beach, da autoria de David Sheppard, que contou com a colaboração do artista. Seguirei por certo fazendo referências ao seu trabalho, predominantemente o musical. Com desvios de puro prazer para o diário que venho lendo sem pressas. Em 2008, como se vê, os protagonistas continuarão sendo eu e ELE:

[…] Bono stars to form the idea that this could be a song about being besieged, people trying to carry on doing ordinary things (playing piano, buying shoes) while their city is being shelled. Interesting evolution of a vocal idea: he starts with a line that goes, ‘Is there a time for cutting hair?’, this gradually moving into ‘Is there a time for this and that and the other?’, in his new list-making style of writing. Then I suggest that other voices do the first half of each line – I’m thinking Motown – so Edge and I (now known as the E-notes) sing, ‘Is there a time …’ and Bono responds with the rest of the line. We do it again, alternating ‘Is there a time’ and ‘a time’ so ending up with ‘Is there a time … a time … is there a time … a time’ but on each second stanza the last line becomes just ‘Is there a time?’ Of course, Bono, being a natural-born singer, ends up filling every available space and singing over our bits as well, which I keep saying doesn’t sound so good, but which he just can’t help doing. It doesn’t sound so bad either. Singers are like Arabs: they abhor a vacuum. And a vacuum is defined as ‘when I’m not singing’.

But the result is really charmed – a misty, melancholy bitter-sweetness undercut by the sharpness of the setting: the Miss Sarajevo Beauty Contest (where a group of Bosnian artists and their girlfriends put on an elaborately kitsch beauty pagent while the Serbs are shelling Sarajevo). It’s so straightforward working with men like this – no ego decisions, no politics. We think this may be the song for Pavarotti (who phoned again). […]

[Brian Eno, A Year With Swollen Appendices, entrada de 24 Maio 1995]

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