Now there are three steps to heaven
Just listen and you will plainly see
And as life travels on
And things do go wrong
Just follow steps one, two and three
Step one - you find a girl to love
Step two - she falls in love with you
Step three - you kiss and hold her tightly
Yeah! that sure seems like heaven to me
The formula for heaven's very simple
Just follow the rules and you will see
And as life travels on
And things do go wrong
Just follow steps one, two and three
Step one - you find a girl to love
Step two - she falls in love with you
Step three- you kiss and hold her tightly
Yeah! that sure seems like heaven to me
Just follow steps one, two and three
Às voltas com a letra desta musiquinha "cantada" pelo fabuloso Robert Downey Jr. na versão-cinema da mítica série televisiva, que o próprio Dennis Potter adaptou às quase duas horas de filme. Jamais esquecerei Michael Gambon no Singing Detective original, mas o trabalho de Keith Gordon, realizador, é bastante competente. E arriscado. O fracasso comercial fica como triste prova disso mesmo.