Wooden Shjips
«Okay, Shellac / Les Savy Fav / Lightning Bolt / Pissed Jeans (to some extent) all impressive but Wooden Shjips? Pretentious fucking bullshit. Exactly the kind of ultrasuck that stuck-up deluders are into. I honestly thought that this was a band who you'd have be confused with your own identity to like. As if you'd become so obsessed with indie-credibility that you'd completely forgotten what good music is. Okay, so they're repetitive - fine - that's been done, everyone likes a groove or you're into Can/The Fall etcetera. Whatever, fine. But I could think of 100+ bands who do the same things better. They're literally fucking terrible.
I judge all of this on last night's ATP performance.
Fight.» (daqui.)
E quem não for logo à Caixa Económica Operária não é do rock.